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Why You Should Remove Window Screens During Winter

by | Jan 4, 2023 | 0 comments

Window screens are a common feature in many homes that can help keep insects, dirt and debris from entering. However, it is important to consider the potential benefits of removing window screens during winter. In this blog post, we will explore some reasons why you should remove window screens during winter in areas like Mukilteo and Seattle, WA. 

Why You Should Remove Window Screens During Winter

Protection from Snow and Ice Buildup

When the temperatures drop, snow and ice can accumulate on window screens. For us at Polar Bear, windows are a specialty, and we often see how this buildup can cause warping of the screens or possible leaks, leading to costly window repairs or replacements. Removing window screens during winter will help prevent this accumulation of snow and ice from occurring.

Another way you can prevent such snow and ice buildup is by hiring the services of an awning contractor so they could build this added layer of window protection not just for the winter months but also year-round. As we say here at Polar Bear, “We do not stop for rain.”

Improved Energy Efficiency

Removing window screens during winter will also help improve energy efficiency in your home. The added layer of protection from the window screen can make it more difficult for heat to enter and leave your home, thus resulting in higher utility bills. By removing the window screens, you will be able to enjoy improved energy efficiency throughout the cold winter months. 

Reduced Maintenance

Another benefit of removing window screens during winter is the reduction of the amount of maintenance that is required to keep them in good condition. In areas with heavy snowfall, it can be difficult to clean the accumulated snow and ice off of window screens. By removing them during winter, you won’t have to worry about this extra work and can instead focus on other aspects of home maintenance necessary in Mukilteo or Seattle, WA. 

Overall, there are many benefits to removing window screens during winter in Washington. Doing so will help protect your investment, improve energy efficiency and reduce maintenance. If you’re interested in learning more about our window screen replacement or if you are in need of a siding contractor in Seattle, contact Polar Bear Exterior Solutions at (425) 290-5579. You may also reach us via our online form.